
An Exposition of the Epistle of Jude is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jude may be described as a prophetic history of the apostasy of Christendom from its beginning in apostolic days to its consummation at the end of the age. Ironside’s commentary on the book reminds readers—then and now—that they live in the middle of the fulfillment of Jude’s message.

out, declaring by His servants that such men should arise, giving their characteristics clearly, so that they might readily be recognized—their end was judgment. This too He had pointed out. They are described as ungodly men. This term “ungodly” is used five times in the epistle, the other four instances occurring in the quotation from Enoch. It means refusing subjection to God, acting independently of and in opposition to God. For the ungodly Christ died—all men in their sins are so called. But
Pages 17–18